The Dogs

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Tiesca is a crossbreed with a little bit of a Spanish Mastino and Majorero dog. She was born on February 18th 2008 in Goyan (Panton, Lugo), and when she was five weeks old the owners called us and asked if we wanted to come and get her as soon as possible. She was very curious and constantly tried to escape because she wanted to explore the world.
From the first day onward she has always been a happy dog. She still loves to discover the world, to play, just be by your side, to be your guard dog, your friend, to eat(your) food from all over the world …. but most of all: to enjoy life. Every morning when she wakes up you can see on her face that she thinks “Yes, another beautiful day!”. She has been with us almost from the beginning since we moved here and she has seen our house change from a ruin to a home.
Tiesca passed away on June 28th 2024.

A home without a dog
is just a house


Sara is a Podenco, medium size and long haired. She was born on June 13th 2013 in Coruña and we got her when she was three months old. Originally a real hunting dog, our Sara is something special. She loves to cuddle and eat, but she also likes to be on her own and sleep quietly in a secluded spot (on the bed in our bedroom). She doesn't really need to go on adventures, she likes life to be calm and routine.
She has appointed herself Herman's "protection dog", she watches him like a hawk and if there is something wrong with him that I have not seen, she immediately warns me and even wakes me up at night.

If you want the best seat

in the house ... move the dog

Sina is a crossbreed between a Beagle and a Border Collie. She was born on October 26th 2022 in Rebordondo (Lugo). We got her when she was two months and a day. We let the dogs get used to each other over a longer period of time. Sara loved her, the first night she was so exited that she could not keep her eyes off of her.
Sina has both her fathers and her mothers qualities. She loves to discover the world in any way possible (preferably with her teeth). She loves to play with her Kongs, old t-shirts, cardboard boxes and everything else available. When she´s not sleeping she loves to be outside in our big garden to discover the world. Sara still loves her dearly but she is the boss, even though Sina is twice her size. Sina adored Tiesca and Tiesca loved Sina. Because of Sina Tiesca has had a sort of rejuvenation, they love to play together. We are very happy that they had allmost two years together.

When Tiesca Feels Good.......

© Herman and Margot 2022

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